

Ellecom Swiss AG

Schanzstrasse 34

4437 Waldenburg, Schweiz

Tel.: +41 (0) 766 800 148


Managing Director and President of the Board of Directors: Antje Tandetzky

Commercial Register of the Canton of Basel-Landschaft

UID: CHE-248.667.988

Frequently Asked Questions - Suchen Sie Ihre Antworten hier

Image credits:

1. Stock Adobe []: “Smart young woman wearing special protective glasses” von Viacheslav Yakobchuk. License: Standard

2. iStock []: “Scientific samples in laboratory” von visualspace. License: Standard

3. Stock Adobe []: “Creative new idea. Innovation, brainstorming, solution concepts.” from REDPIXEL. License: Standard

4. Stock Adobe []: “抽象的な世界地図” from k_yu. License: Standard

5. Stock Adobe []: “Dotted world map on white background. World map template with continents, North and South America, Europe and Asia, Africa and Australia” from ohaiyoo. License: Standard

6. Stock Adobe []: “Surgeon using medical equipment in operating room of the hospital” von wavebreak3. License: Standard

7. Stock Adobe []: “Microcircuits and components lie on metal plates” von YouraPechkin. License: Standard

8. iStock []: “Female Scientist with microscope” von Alexander Raths. License: Standard

9. Stock Adobe []: “Salesman shaking hands with doctor” from Rido. License: Standard

10. Stock Adobe []: “Corona Covid-19 Schnelltest mit Tropfenflüssigkeit” from Claude. License: Standard

11. Stock Adobe []: “blurred people at a trade fair” from License: Standard

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